Selected Publications [Note: Newman -> Billo]


Rock Art Publications



Mark, Robert and Evelyn Billo, 2021, Use of Radiance Scaling to Enhance Visibility of Petroglyphs, in American Indian Rock Art, Volume 47,

David Kaiser, Mavis Greer, and James D. Keyser, editors. American Rock Art Research Association, pp. 221-226 (PDF).


Mark, Robert and Evelyn Billo, 2020, Use of Radiance Scaling to Enhance Visibility of Petroglyphs in 3D Models, 12 p. (Draft)


Rogers, Richard A., Evelyn Billo, and Robert Mark, editors, 2020, American Indian Rock Art, V. 46, 182 p. (


Berrier, Margaret and Robert Mark, 2020, Taking Some Guesswork Out of Sketch Work, La Pintura, V. 46. No. 2, pp. 6-9. (PDF)


Evelyn Billo and Robert Mark, 2020, Investigating Rock Art at Four Sites South of Winslow, AZ, poster at Museum of Northern Arizona Research Associates meeting. (PDF)


Karen L. Steelman, Eric Dillingham, Margaret Berrier, Lennon N. Bates, Robert Mark, and Evelyn Billo, 2019, Radiocarbon Dating the Guadalupe Red Linear Style in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, American Indian Rock Art, Volume 45. Ken Hedges and Anne McConnell, Editors. American Rock Art Research Association, 2019, pp. 115-129. (PDF)


Kelley Hays-Gilpin, Robert Mark and Evelyn Billo, 2019, Mural Ecology: Walls That Bring People Together, in Abstracts of the SAA 84th Annual Meeting, p. 130.


Robert Mark, 2019, Using High Quality Structure from Motion 3D Models for Petroglyph Visualization, in Abstracts of the SAA 84th Annual Meeting, p. 160.


Evelyn Billo, Robert Mark and Kelley Hays-Gilpin, 2019, With Beauty Around: The Canyon del Muerto Rock Art Documentation Project, in Abstracts of the SAA 84th Annual Meeting, p. 221.


Billo, E. and Mark, R., 2018, Rock Art Documentation Techniques: Then and Now,  Plateau: Land and People of the Colorado Plateau, V. 10, no. 1, p.19-22. (Link)


Mark, Robert, 2017, Creating a digital rubbing from a 3D model of petroglyphs, Rock Art Research, V. 34, No. 2. pp. 215-217. (PDF)


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2016, Free image-enhancement apps for iPad (LabStretch) and iPhone (LabStretch2), Rock Art Research, V. 33, no, 1, p. 102-103. (PDF)


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2016, Low Altitude Unmanned Aerial Photography to Assist in Rock Art Studies, The SAA Archaeological Record, V. 16, no. 2, p. 14-16. (PDF)


Dillingham, Eric, Ryan Powell, Evelyn Billo, Robert Mark, Martin Stein, 2016, Survey of Rock Art of the Central Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, in A Walk Through Time~the Tularosa Basin’s Past, pp. 65-86.


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2016,  Pictograph at Quail Point, Archaeology Southwest Magazine, p. 29. (PDF)


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2016,  Low Altitude Unmanned Aerial Photography To Assist in Rock Art Studies, SAA Archaeological Record (PDF).


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2016, Free Image-Enhancement Apps for iPad (LabStretch) and iPhone (LabStretch2), Rock Art Research, in press. (link)


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2015, Low Altitude Unmanned Aerial Photography To Assist in Rock Art Studies, in Abstracts of the SAA 80th Annual Meeting, p. 626.


Billo, E. and Mark, R., 2015, High resolution photography of Pictographs at AZ U:16:246(ASM), Report submitted to SWCA Environmental Consultants.


Billo, E. and Mark, R., 2014-15, volunteer editorial assistant and photographer for Picture Canyon – People, Petroglyphs, and Place (Plateau: Land and People of the Colorado Plateau, 8/1,2) (link)


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2013, Using iPads for Rock Art Documentation, in Abstracts of the SAA 78th Annual Meeting.


Billo, E., 2013, Sears Point Rock Art and Beyond: 2008-2012 Recording Project, Arizona, USA, in Abstracts of the SAA 78th Annual Meeting.


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2013, Use of a Quadcopter to Document Rock Alignments and Geoglyphs, poster at Pecos Conference. (PDF)


Billo, E., Mark, R., and Weaver, Jr., Donald E. , 2013, Sears Point Rock Art Recording Project, Arizona, USA, IFRAO 2013 Proceedings, American Indian Rock Art, Volume 40. American Rock Art Research Association, 2013, pp 1283-1302. (PDF)


Huang, J., Mark, R., and Loubser, J., 2013, Archaeological Investigations and Experimentation with iPad Technology in Petroglyph Documentation at the Watson Site, Southeastern Oregon, American Indian Rock Art, Volume 39. William D. Hyder, Editor. American Rock Art Research Association,  pp. 153-161.


Weaver, Jr., Donald E. , Billo, E., and Mark, R., 2012, Sears Point Rock Art Recording Project Report, 191 p. On file with BLM Field Office, Yuma, AZ.


Mark, R,  and Billo, E., 2012, Using super-high resolution panoramas (Gigapans) to document and study rock art panels. In : Clottes J. (dir.), L’art pléistocène dans le monde / Pleistocene art of the world / Arte pleistoceno en el mundo, Actes du Congrès IFRAO, Tarascon-sur-Ariège, septembre 2010, Symposium « Application des techniques forensiques aux recherches sur l’art pléistocène ». N° spécial de Préhistoire, Art et Sociétés, Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Ariège-Pyrénées, LXV-LXVI, 2010-2011, CD : p. 1257-1264. (PDF)


Loubser, J. H. N., Mark, R. K., White, L., Billo, E. F., and Simpson, J. M., 2012, Petroglyph Documentation and Excavations at 35ML1019,

The Watson Petroglyph Complex, Owyhee Reservoir, Malheur County, Oregon, Report to the Bureau of Reclamation, Boise, ID, 139 p.


Miller, M. R., Loendorf, L., Kemp, L., with contributions by Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2012, Picture Cave and Other Rock Art Sites on Fort Bliss, 256 p., with 2 DVDs.


Krupp, E. C., Billo, E., and Mark, R., 2010, Star Trek: Recovery and Review of the First Alleged Supernova Rock Art, Archaeoastronomy, V. XXIII, Bostewick, Bates, and Zoll, Editors, pp.35-43. (PDF)


Mark, Robert, and Evelyn Billo, 2011, GigaPan panoramas for rock art panel documentation: a practical guide, Rock Art Research, V. 28, No. 2. pp. 265-267. (PDF)


Billo, E., Mark, R., and Greer, J., 2011, Hunters Shelter and White Oaks Spring Pictographs: Pecos Miniature Art in the Guadalupe Mountains of Southern New Mexico, American Indian Rock Art, Volume 37. Mavis Greer, John Greer, and Peggy Whitehead, Editors. American Rock Art Research Association,  pp. 49–74. (PDF)


Rowe, M., Mark, R., Billo, E., Berrier, M., Steelman, K., and Dillingham, E., 2011, Chemistry as a Criterion for Selecting Pictographs for Radiocarbon Dating,Mavis Greer, John Greer, and Peggy Whitehead, Editors. American Rock Art Research Association,  V. 37, pp. 37-47.


Mark, R., Rowe, M., and Newman, B., 2011, pXRF in Pictograph Studies (poster), Society for Historical Archaeology 2011 Annual Meeting. (PDF)


Mark, R. y M. Strecker, 2010, Aplicaciones del Mejoramiento Digital de Imágenes en la Documentación de Arte Rupestre de Betanzos, Bolivia, p. 60-67.


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2009, Pictographs at Hunters Shelter: Possible Extension of the Red Linear Style into the Guadalupe Mountains of Southern New Mexico, Plains Anthropologist, Vol. 54, No. 211, pp. 201–210. (PDF)


Mark, R., Loubser, J., and Billo, E, 2009, Cultural Resource Inventory of Rock Imagery at Big Spring State Park, Howard County, Texas, report submitted to Texas Dept. of Parks and Wildlife, 78 p. with CD. (PDF)


Billo, E., Mark, R., and Weaver, Jr., D. E., 2008, Sears Point Rock Art Recording Project Interim Report, 24 p.


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2006, Computer-Assisted Documentation of Rock Art: CSIC Thematic Network on Cultural Heritage, Coalition Electronic Newsletter, no. 11, p. 10-14. (PDF)


Rechel, D., 2005, Behind the Cameras: Rupestrian CyberServices, in We Are Here: Pueblo Painting & Place (Plateau: Land and People of the Colorado Plateau, 2/2) (Link)


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2004, Seminole Canyon State Park and Historic Site Rock Image Site Overview: An Interactive Acrobat File: report to Texas Dept. of Parks and Wildlife, 275 p.


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2004, Historic Rock Art Boulders and Panels (interactive Acrobat file): report for Pinyon Canyon Maneuver Site, 268 p.


Loendorf, L., Billo, E.,and  Mark, R., 2003, Landscape and Ceremonial Cave Rock Art: Change Through Time: report to  Canyon de Chelly National Monument, 143 p.


Billo, E., and Mark, R. 2003, Post-fire Documentation of Rock Art Site 48WE33, Methods and Observations: report to Wyoming BLM, 35 p.


Mark, R. K., and Billo, E., 2002, Application of Digital Image Enhancement in Rock Art Recording, American Indian Rock Art V. 28, 121-128. (PDF)


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2002, Aplicación del mejoramiento digital de imágenes en la documentación de arte rupestre, in Docunentación y Registro del Arte Rupestre, pp. 142-153.


Loendorf, L., Billo, E., and Mark, R., 2002, Rock Art Research Design (Draft): report to  Canyon de Chelly National Park, 62 p.


Billo, E., and Mark, R. 2002, Burn Impact Study, Sites CrNV-22-3910 and CrNV-02-1318, Methods, Observations, and Suggested Mitigation: report to Winnemucca Nevada BLM


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 2001, Digital Image Enhancement in Rock Art Recording (poster). Abstracts of the 66th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, p. 242.


Billo, E., Mark, R., Feruglio, V., Moody, T., Loendorf, L., and Karpinski, L., 2001, Canyon de Chelly: Condition Assessment and Documentation, presented at the 28th Annual Conf, ARARA, Pendelton, OR.


Weaver, D., Mark, R.K., and Billo, E., 2001, Inscription Point: Too Little, Too Late?, 27th Annual ARARA Rock Art Conference, Phoenix, AZ, American Indian Rock Art v. 27, p. 137-150. (PDF)


Harry, K., Billo, E., and Mark, R.K., 2001, The Challenge of Long-Term Preservation: Managing Human Impacts to Rock Art at Hueco Tanks State Historical Park, 27th Annual ARARA Rock Art Conference, Phoenix, AZ, American Indian Rock Art v. 27, p. 151-159. (PDF)


Mark, R.K., & Billo, E., 2000, GPS, GIS, and Image Enhancement, 27th Annual ARARA Rock Art Conference, Phoenix, AZ.


Billo, E., Karpinski, L., Loendorf, L., and Mark, R.K., 2000, Prototype Condition Assessment and Documentation of Rock Images at Blue Bull Cave, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, NPS CR2000 Santa Fe, NM & 73rd Pecos Conference, Mesa Verde, CO.


Mark, R.K. & Billo, E., 2000, Applications of GPS, GIS, and Digital Image Enhancement in Rock Art Recording, IRAC'00, 13th International Rock Art Congress Alice Springs, NT, Australia.


Billo, E., 2000, Hueco Tanks Pictographs: A GPS/GIS Project, 20th URARA annual meeting keynote address Moab, UT.


Rupestrian CyberServices, 2000, Multimedia Interpretive CD of Deer Valley Rock Art Center, Phoenix, AZ.


Billo, E., & Mark, R.K., 1999, Wind River Petroglyph Recording and Database Project, San Diego Museum of Man Rock Art Conference, San Diego, CA.


Gillette, D., Billo, E., and Mark, R.K., 2000, From Gang Hangout to Educational Resource &endash; Reclaiming a Cultural Treasure 1999 International Rock Art Congress Proceedings v. 1. p. 47-52.


Mark, R.K., and Billo, E., 1999, Wind River Petroglyph Recording and Database Project: IRAC'99, 12th International Rock Art Congress, Ripon, WI.


Billo, E., 1999, Variations in Human Figures in Rock Art of the World: Keynote Address, IRAC'99, 12th International Rock Art Congress, Ripon, WI.


Billo, E., and Mark, R. K., 1999, Hueco Tanks Pictographs: A GPS/GIS Project: 72nd Pecos Conference, Pinedale, Arizona.


Mark, R.K., and Billo, E., 1999, A Stitch in Time: Digital Panoramas and Mosaics: American Indian Rock Art, v. 25, p. 155-168. (PDF)


Billo, E., and Mark, R. K., 1998, GIS and Multimedia for Rock Art Research, Management, and Interpretation at the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (Poster Abs.): in Learning from the Land, GSENM Science Symposium Proceedings 1997, Hill, L. M. editor, p. 469-470.


Mark, R., and Billo, E., 1998, Two Stray Quadrupeds at Weitchpec, in Ken Hedges, ed., Rock Art Papers, Vol. 13, San Diego Museum Papers 35, p. 155-156. (PDF)


Mark, R.K., 1997, Rotatable Images of the Solid Planets and Satellites of the Solar System (SSGlobes): US Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-273, CD-ROM.


Mark, R.K., and Newman, E.B., 1997, The IFRAO Color Scale: Some Considerations: Proceedings of 1996 International Rock Art Congress, Namibia, p. 28-31. (PDF)


Newman, E.B., and Mark, R.K., 1996, Conservation and Management at three publicly owned California rock art sites: International Rock Art Congress, Swakopmund, Namibia


Mark, R. K. and Newman, E.B., 1996, Using Digital Images to Aid Site Management, Research Studies, and Visitor Interpretation: 1996 International Rock Art Congress, Swakopmund, Namibia


Mark, R.K., and Rogers, B.W. 1996, Bulgarian archaeoastronomy site or Bulgarian quarry site?: Journal of Caves and Karst Studies, v. 58(1), p. 55-57.


Mark, R.K., and Newman, E.B., 1995, Cup-and-ring petroglyphs in northern California and beyond: in J. Steinbring, Ed., Rock Art Studies in the Americas, p. 13-21, Oxbow Press, Oxford.


Newman, E.B., Mark, R.K., in press, Rescuing the Photo Archive: A Digital Perspective: in proceedings of the 1994 International Rock Art Congress, Flagstaff, AZ.


Mark, R.K., and Newman, E.B., 1994, Management of petroglyph rubbing at two Pacific Northwest Coast Sites: American Indian Rock Art, v. XX, p. 19-24. (PDF)


Mark, R.K., and Newman, E.B., 1993, Computer-graphics assisted recording Uvas Creek petroglyph site: American Indian Rock Art, v. XII, p. 137-144


Mark, R. K., and E.B. Newman, 1990, CA-SBN-12 Reexamined: Rock Art Papers, San Diego Museum of Man, v. 7, p. 49-52


Mark, R.K., and Newman, 1990, Evaluation of the solar marker changes on Fajada Butte, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (Abs.): Annual Conference of the American Rock Art Research Assn.


Trott, J.J., R.K. Mark, D.B. Fenn, and C. Werito, 1989, Evaluation of Status of site 29 SJ 2389, Chaco Culture National Historic Park: National Park Service Administrative Report, 26 p.


Newman, E.B., and Mark, R.K., 1987, Three geographically and artistically diverse rock art sites in Papua New Guinea: Conference for the AURA Congress, Darwin, Australia, Aug. - Sept. 1988.


Mark, R.K., and Newman, E.B., 1987, Some observations on Rock Art Conservation in Spain: : in Helen Crotty, ed., Preserving Our Rock Art Heritage, American Rock Art Research Assn. Occasional Paper 1, p. 65-70.


Newman, E.B., and Mark, R.K., 1986, Uvas Creek (CA-SCL-111): A unique petroglyph site in the San Francisco bay area, California: Rock Art Papers, v. 3, San Diego Museum of Man, p. 191-200


Newman, E. B., and Mark, R. K., 1984, Chaco Canyon: A visual overview: International conference on prehistoric rock art and archaeoastronomy, Little Rock, Arkansas.


Newman, E. B., and Mark, R. K., 1984, Three geographically and artistically diverse rock art sites in Papua New Guinea: Annual symposium of the American Rock Art Research Association.


Newman, E. B., Mark, R. K., and Vivian, R. G., 1982, Anasazi solstice marker: Astronomical use of a natural rockfall: Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, p. 576.


Newman, E. B., Mark, R. K., and Vivian, R. G., 1982, Anasazi solstice marker: The use of a natural rockfall: Science, v. 217, p. 1036-1038. (PDF)



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